Sports-Related Concussions in Youth: Improving the Science, Changing the Culture. Oct 2013 Graham R, Rivara FP, Abrogast K, Brent D, Casey BJ, Covassin T, Doyle J, Huang E, Maerlender A, Margulies S, Molfese D, Prins M, Raukar N, Temkin N, Viswanath K, Walter K, Wright J. Institute of Medicine and National Research Council of the National Academies, Washington, DC, USA.
Bodychecking rules and concussion in elite hockey.Sept 2013 Donaldson L, Asbridge M, Cusimano MD. Division of Neurosurgery and Injury Prevention Research Office, St. Michael's Hospital, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Concussion: current concepts in diagnosis and management.Sept 2013 Borich MR, Cheung KL, Jones P, Khramova V, Gavrailoff L, Boyd LA, Virji-Babul N. Department of Physical Therapy (M.R.B., L.A.B., N.V.B.) and Graduate Program in Neuroscience (K.L.C., P.J., L.G., L.A.B.), University of British Columbia, and Child and Family Research Institute (V.K., N.V.B.), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.